Grades of Membership

In considering an application for membership, ITPN’s Council will evaluate the Applicant’s recognised qualification(s) and/or employment experience. There are six grades of membership, together with the honorary award of Fellow, for which an individual may not apply. The following table is intended only to provide a guide to the employment experience required to attain a level of membership.

The nature, quality and extent of an individual’s formal study, specialised training and/or employment experience will be the grading criteria applied by the Council. As Members progress in experience and skills, they may apply for a higher grade of membership than that which is currently held.

Grade Designatory Letters Basic Definition of Grade
Student (none) One who is studying for an ITP qualification but who, ordinarily, may or may not have employment experience within the Industry
Affiliate (none) One who is employed within the, but whose employment experience is not, as yet, sufficient for admission to Licentiate or higher status within the Institute.
Licentiate LITPN One who is employed and who has a minimum of 2 years approved experience within the industry.
Associate AITPN One who is employed and who has a minimum of 4 years approved experience in the Tourism Industry.
Member MITPN One who is employed and who has a minimum of 8 years approved experience in the Tourism Industry.
Fellow FITPN Awarded selectively by ITP’s Council to one who has made a significant contribution to the Institute or to the Tourism Industry in general.
This figure may be increased or reduced, depending on any relevant qualification(s) held by the individual. However, regardless of qualification(s) held, an application for Associate Membership will be subject to an absolute minimum entry requirement of 2 years approved employment experience. An application for Full Membership will be subject to an absolute minimum entry requirement of 3 years; approved employment experience.